Originally Posted by Machette
I take both, America History and European History (Roman Empire, High Middle Ages etc) although I enjoy American History because the drama based in your history and how many wars you guys have fought in..but I really do think that my interest lies in European History..werd eek:
Marks if you're curious
American History: 75%
European History: 72%
I've had to do so much shit for both of those classes it isnt even funny, just finished my 30 Minute Seminar on the Byzantine Empire today...jesus
we're talking about ap euro and the coarse starts at the itallian renisance, we skip everything that happend prior to 1450 which sucks cause i enjoy medieval, roman, and classical history.
that being said i took the test today as well....normally i absolutly dominate these tests...i got 5's on the ap world and the ap american exams. this year however the teacher that normally teaches ap euro got diagnosed with aids or some other disease and wasnt here all year. so basicly we had a sub all year who basicly told us to do whatever the fuck we want to. We didnt open the text books once all year, and today was the first time I'd written a history essay since i took the ap american exam last year. despite this i know for a fact i passed with probably a 4, my essays were good but not great.....i mean wtf kinda dbq question is "there reaction to the poor of europe between 1450-1750" that was my only mediocre essay though, i completly dominated the other 2.....i wrote one on how dictators of the 20's and 30's were able to use technology and mass culture to their advantage, and another on the effects of nationalism on germany and austria. the multiple choice i think i did alright on, i only left about 5 blank and was fairly confident about the rest. if i get an easy grader then i might pull a 5, realisticly probably a 4 and worse case scenerio a 3.