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Default 02-15-2002, 06:25 AM

I'm blushing..hehe.

Any takers out there who would want to sit and translate all the German taunts? 2015 didn't write the translations for it, so I'd have to manually add those subtitles myself with the help of anyone who speaks German..

Problem is, I don't know any German at all.

And whoever would have the balls to do it would have to realize there are 100+ wavs that would need to be translated.

While they are doing that, I'd have to make subtitles for all the Allied taunts that you hear in the game, cause 2015 didn't make any subtitles for those either, even though anyone can clearly understand what is being said.

Still, I never liked the idea that my mod was only subtitles for a portion of the things said in the game...

I'd definitely make an updated version if anyone out there would actually want to spend the hours it would take to listen to every German wav file, and translate it...

American...I like American. Steamboat Willy, toot-toot.

Nooo! Please! I like American! Fancy Shmancy. What a cinch. Go fly a kite. Cat got your tongue? Colored beans! Betty boop, what a dish. Betty Grable, nice gams.

I say can you see? I say can you see? I....I say...

Fuck hitler. FUCK HITLER!

Shut up with that filthy pig latin!

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