Originally Posted by Gerard
I think its gonna be underwhelming no matter what valve do because everyone has such high expectations for it. The graphics look good yes but theyre not a patch on doom 3's graphics, id go as far to say halflife 2 has more of a cartooney look to it than a realistic look.
Theyve been pimping the physics a lot, already been done in ut-2003 ut-2004 and farcry, its not exactly a revoloutionary feature anymore. We just have to hope the game plays well and makes for a good story. Everyone is assuming the game will have tons of mods...well thats not really the case, halflife had a lot of mods because it was easy to mod for and thats pretty much the only reason, if this is tougher to code for, then it'll be a while before mods of any real quality show up on it.
Take into account the physics system and the fact ea are having trouble with the physics system for pacific assault and it should be pretty clear that it'll be a lot more of a challenge for the average modder than halflife ever was. Im looking forward to conversions of day of defeat and counterstrike as much as anyone else, dod in its current state is laughable, it looks like ass and still manages to eat up framerate badly on some maps.....and for a game thats based on a 70% re-written QUAKE-1 engine that shouldn't happen imo.
Just gotta wait and see if valve can pull it off, and if the mod teams can get good support from valve for porting their mods to the new engine.
yeah now that they've held of for so long i really don't care when its gonna come out anymore and like ya said other games have already came out that are doing what Half-Life2 was suppose to be 1st to do, but oh well, who cares anymore