Thread: WWII Puzzle
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Oddball is Offline
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Default 02-14-2002, 12:49 AM

Some of you may know this, just post whether you know or you don't. I'll post a solution in a few days if you can't get it.

The Germans started using V-1 and V-2 rockets to attack British targets to replace airborne bombers to save loss of aircraft and pilots.
It is mans nature to be adaptable. The British soon found that the V-1s presented no danger as long as you could hear them. However, as soon as the buzzing of the engine stopped it was time to jump under the bed. No such strategy was available for the V-2. Why????


More negative waves Moriartii! Have a litte faith baby, have a little faith.

[This message has been edited by Oddball (edited February 14, 2002).]
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