Thread: WWII Puzzle
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colonel_ hogan is Offline
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Default 02-14-2002, 06:48 AM

The A4/V2 rocket had an operational range of 234 miles. The max. burning time of the engine was 65-70 seconds, shortly before engine shutdown the A4 weighed 4040 kg at a height of 35 km, starting with 1 G force, and at shutdown 8 G, after shutdown the A4 flew to a height of 97 km and fell to earth with a impact speed of 3240-3600 km per hour. Liftoff was straight up; 30 seconds after launch it reached speed of sound. When launched against targets close to the operational range of the vehicle, the deviation between target and impact was normally 4 to 11 miles (7-17 km away from target). This made the rocket only suitable for use against widely populated areas. At shorter targeting ranges, the accuracy of the A4 was improved. The Leitstrahlstellung was a “guiding beam” that improved accuracy of the A4 somewhat during the later days of the campaign. One quarter of all A4 rockets were guided with the Leitstrahlstellung.

A description of an A4/V2 impact would be as follows. First, a whip cracking sound of a blast wave created by the rocket (moving faster than the speed of sound) bounces off of the point of impact just split seconds before the flash of impact. This was followed by the chaos of the explosion with debris and earth churned skyward. Soon, the whine and rush of whistling air as the sound catches up with the rocket followed by a deafening roar of the incoming rocket, which tapers off to silence. There could be no warning. The A4/V2 impacted at 3 times the speed of sound.

sorry oddball what strategy did u mean?
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