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Command Sergeant Major
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Default 05-11-2004, 08:41 PM

[quote="Short Hand":0469d]so are you 100 % sure this is real ???? not some scasm... i would love to show this to my philosphy teachers and religion teachers. It would make them drop dead.[/quote:0469d]

ha your social study's teachers are raging liberals too? i wouldnt dispute the validity of these facts, but what it fails to mention is that all of this shit was paid for by the us tax payer to the sum of 25 billion dollars....and for what? bringing "democracy" to iraq? at first i thought we would at least be getting something out of this exclusive trade rights with iraqi oil companies or something, but no....we get 25 billion dollars to add to the already large defecit thats making the interest rates on my student loans high as fuck, and a bunch of dead soldiers, and tortured iraqi prisoners. we got ourselves into this shit and we cant just turn tail and leave now, but damnit we need to do something different. I read an interesting article in the paper today about new strategies for dealing with iraq, the one that caught my eye as the best solution was to dramaticly reduce the us presense in the country to something like what we have in afganistan....where our guys arent walking around patroling the streets of cities and getting shot in the back, they stay stationed in the countryside and act on intellegince against resistors, there supporters, and there strongholds and are ready to respond to any crisis that happens in the cities, if the need arises-granted afghanistan is still an unsetelled country today.
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