Originally Posted by "Short Hand":dcdd0
Originally Posted by Ferich
You know Corporate America made/distributes photoshop? Probably your shoes, TV, etc etc.
Unless you live in a tent in the middle of the woods, your sig is a failed attempt at being cool.
"I may be a slave to this shit but I ain't afraid of it"
The kool kids do all the drugs ferich, then tell everyone on the intranet about it. Ferich you know that good buddy. beer:
If i need to be more selective in what i target with my sigs then maybe...Not all corporations are "bad" its the ones that pedal money into the government influence foreigns affairs, like Shell in Niger Responsible for alot of crap their. What should my sig say Death "name all bad corporations here", it's a general broad statement.
I was just making a point, no need to flaunt your ignorance again. You don't know me, so stop making assumptions about my personal life. I do not try to impress people with my small addiction, but it's the only thing you know about me, so you think it's what I'm all about. That's where you're wrong.
The fact is, I don't know why there's bad blood between us, I used to think you were an okay guy. Then you started calling me a crackhead.[/quote:dcdd0]
Ferich's right, Short Hand - You've been a real fucking prick lately. Need to pull your head in.