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Default 05-11-2004, 10:47 PM

Originally Posted by Noctis
Originally Posted by negative
yeah, this is the iowa national guard--i know youd hear a different story from the marines in falluja and ramadi, or the 101st whos been there since before the war. how about the 82nd thats been home 2 months in the last three years--they might see it a different way
Are all of you ignorant, media-guzzling fucks or what? I'm so God damned sick and tired of all the people who bash Bush and the war and whatever else just because bullshit Progressive Liberalism is the cool thing to follow right now.

First of all, I grew up in the Norfolk, VA area, home to the largest naval base in the world. I lived there for eight years until I moved to Myrtle Beach a few years ago. Needless to say, many of my friends ended up joining one branch of the Armed Forces or another. I keep in contact with all of them via e-mail and I have yet to hear any of them repeat all the negative bullshit from the media.

And I'm not talking about reservists. I'm talking about a Lance Corporal in the Marines whose job it is to run ammo from the trucks to the front line infantry. I'm talking about a Lieutenant who is a helicopter pilot for the SEALs and has been doing hostile drops since before major combat was officially declared. I'm talking about a Private who is a radio repairman for the Army and a PFC with a front-line Engineering Division.

Yes, all of them want to come home. Some of them are scared. All of them miss their family and friends. But they also all agree that what we see here at home is total bullshit. The majority of the country is doing better than it ever has. Education and economic prosperity are reaching unprecedented levels. But the media is too locked on the obvious strife in the larger cities where it's easier for militants to cause chaos.

Irregardless of whether you feel we went for the right reason, it's time to think differently. Do we want this to be the Vietnam of our generation? Already the Progressive Liberal fuckheads are harassing soldiers returning from battle. The same men and women who followed orders and put their life on the line in the defense of freedom and democracy. And maybe you don't believe that we went there for those reasons, but those soldiers fought with that belief in their minds, and it isn't fair to withdraw our support now.

And whoever it was that asked if it was worth the deaths of hundreds of Americans: What the fuck is wrong with you? This is something I hear echoed constantly by Liberals, which is probably the absolute pinnacle of their hypocracy. The very same people who scream and whine about the equality of different races and cultures, who sue the shit out of anyone who even thinks about allowing something so petty as nationality affect their judgement, are the very same ones who are implying that American lives are somehow more valuable than the lives of any other human being on this planet. Yes, hundreds of Americans died. But let's ignore the fact that during the last two decades, Sadaam Hussein was personally responsible for the deaths of 2 million human beings. That's an average of 100,000 people murdered each year, most of them simply for following the Shi'ite sect of Islam or for being born of the Kurd ethnicity.

Death is rarely justifiable, and I'd venture to say that it is very rarely worth it. But in this case, the sacrafices of the brave few will end in the liberation of the great many. So before you repeat what the media spoon feeds to you, try talking to a soldier. Try talking to an Iraqi. Go get the reels of footage from the CNN vaults of the Iraqis talking about how much better their lives are, that you'll never see because optimism never makes good television.

I'm sure the flames will begin shortly, they always do. So I'll pre-empt and say this:

Fuck Liberals. fire2:
Well said
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