Originally Posted by Tripper
Don't flame with your mouth full. At least remove Bazooka Joe's penis from your mouth before you attempt to flame me.
BTW - Flaming someones appearance is reserved for those who have posted a picture of their hideous selves. Because you haven't done that yet, we'll just assume that you're one ugly fucking old man. (Most probably you are). I seem to be reminded of a well known gaping anus when I ponder what you look like, you old fucking fart.
P.S - I'd also appreciate a going away blow job from your feminine lips when I decide to throw in the towel. Until then, suck away gramps, suck away.
P.P.S - Don't break a hip going down on Joe, Pops.
Awww. . .well now you're just upset because I won't give you the time of day, let alone my penis in YOUR mouth. That's a your, and not you're, right Zone? hehe biggrin: