Battlefield Iraq: 2004 -
05-12-2004, 06:31 PM
Hindsight is a beautiful thing but WHAT IF nobody had done anything about Iraq, I wonder what'd be going on now. I think eventually after waiting a little longer we'd have started constructive negotiations on the middle-east, it seemed to be going somewhere but then America got hot-headed over W.O.M.D threats, doh! . Its funny how ignorant we humans really are, these kind of things happen day in, day out but only when you invade a country or you're truly involved in it in some other form, thats when people think "Durrrrr....Oh wait, I've never seen this on the News before so I thought this kinda thing never happened..."
If the whole Iraq thing hadn't started then there'd still be beheadings, mass homicides, torturing, etc, etc of innocent civillians on a grande scale all the time in that country. The terrorist's shock tactics probably won't ever stop but when America's biased media get a grip on the fact this is war and its not going to last 2 years, this will go on for a long, long time...possibly getting alot worse before it gets any better.
America is dealing with this shit pretty badly and at the moment its seems they're making all the same mistakes they did in Vietnam. After losing that war you'd think they'd research a little better on their present enemies..
BUT it all goes back to America's well known ignorant attitudes towards the rest of the world and now they're paying for it.....unfortunately that means many other countries are having to do the same
All the resources in the world and they still fuck it up...........aaaaanyway, no point in me whining now, whats done is done :/
That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest - Henri David Thoreau