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Command Sergeant Major
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Default 05-12-2004, 10:00 PM

you seem to forget, people from the middle east arent like civilized westerners, they are no where near civilized in the western sinse, islam is 7th century arabian culture turned into a religon....the people in iraq...or anywhere in the middle east will never except democracy or anything from the west, except for maybe our weapons. you saw the video, this is the enemy...they dont wear uniforms, they target civilians, and they kill us....1 american at a time. And they video tape it, send it to the united states and watch as we cry about "the barbarism of our enemies" and "how we can never win against such a determined enemy as this"...which is complete bullshit, we could completly stabilize and secure the ENTIRE country within a month if we set our minds to it and let our soldiers fight a war instead of playing cops and robbers with an enemy who can brutalize our guys and get away with it. the sad thing is they know they can get away with it, they know because of arogant civilian moralist back here in the united states wouldnt tolerate retaliations, because they think its "imorale" and they know that the president wont authorize any strikes that might destroy civilians, religous, or historical sites, because that would anger the arogant moralists who he needs to be re-elected. The truely immorale thing is that we have troops dieing needlessly because they have their hands tied behind there back. the fucking muslims know that as soon as they start killing americans the weak will start to cry and demand our withdrawl and they know that the president has to withdraw to save his political career. because of this we are seen as weak, around the world....the greatest military force on earth, and we are taking shit from a bunch of raghead camel jockeys flaunting about allah while they brandish there ak-47's, ITS BULLSHIT. untie the hands of our military and let them engage there enemies, let them make an example out of iraqis about our willingness to complete our mission, and how resistance will not be tolerated, aiding resistors will not be tolerated...and more importantly remind them that westerners conquered the world once and imposed our wills on lesser peoples, and we still have the power to do it again, we can be much more efficent in our brutality against them, its the only things barbarians respond to is barbary...the entire militant islamic movement could be whipped out easily if we became more brutal, its just a question of our resolve to do so....i link it to the decesion to drop the atomic bomb on japan to end ww2, yes its brutal...yes alot of innocent people are going to die, but in the end it will not only save the lives of our troops, but the lives of the enemy as well.