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Default 05-12-2004, 10:17 PM

[quote="Short Hand":dda2f]So like your nazi idle your saying we should find the nearest Iraq city and shoot everysingle person publicly then bunr it to the ground while luanching tank shells into the buildings ?

These ain't passive Serbians or Greek Resistance, These are Religious fundamentalists who will die to the very last for this shit. They aren't Serbians from 1940. This is a lot diffrent, the more you bite these guyz the more enraged they feel thus they promise more and do more, Take Isreal as an example. Missle Attack and agression have bruaght nothing but more attacks and more death, Im quite sure if they would give Gaza to the Palestinains and worked out a neutral area etc, etc and went quiet for 30 years all tension would cease, seem though logical solutions are never practiced in our "practical world".[/quote:dda2f]

if israel would eliminate the palistinians by either killing them or deporting them, there problems would be solved, and they arent targeting palastinians as nearly as much as they could...because the pussy islamists hide behind civilians and mosques so they cant be touched. get rid of all the limits on our use of force, if we did wouldnt matter how many muslims wanted to jihad against us, it would be a masacure...they would just be mowed down. right now they hide in cities and urban areas where we cant use our tanks, artillery, or air power because of "collaterol damage". fuck it, if they hide in cities reduce them to the ground kill them all. the "submit or die" aproach always works...after you make enough examples to show people that you mean buisness they will stop resisting. look at the 3 historic conquerors of the middle east, alexander the great, rome, and the mongols. they all basicly did the same thing...aproach a city demand its surrender, if they resisted they were all killed or sold into slavery. if the city submitted...then puppet regimes would be installed and ordered to rule the city in your name, if the city revolted the army would march in and sack the city. and dont talk to me about religous fervor making them never forget the mongols whipped out many great islamic empires who were at the height of there religous zeal. when they see there cities being masacured....common sense takes over, and they dont resist.