05-12-2004, 10:38 PM
Eames stfu, Reinhard Heydrich was an idiot, and was assassinated. Adm. Canaris pwns his ass from the grave.
I havent seen the video and I dont want to. I saw the Daniel Pearl video and thought that was enough for me. Islamic fundamentalists have been like this for decades, but they arent the only ones who have ever slit someones throat. Why do you think there are serrated knives in just about every military? The difference between us and them is that we dont target civilians on purpose. We could go in and kill every man, woman and child. Burn the houses down, dismantle the oil pipes, burn their farms and annhiliate their topsoil with nuclear bombs, but that makes us just as bad as they are, and i dont mean it in that gay ass 9 year old tattletale in school way. Why is it that some of you stand by your morals at home but seem to think its ok to set them aside when overseas? You wont allow gay marriages or abortions because they are immoral, but you are willing to kill everything without any remorse at all, despite the objections of 'arrogant moralists.' Not all Iraqis or middle eastern peoples behave the same way as the people on the video. This whole mess was forseen from the beginning and I find it hard to believe that anyone never thought we would have to fight partisans in Iraq. Lets just see what happens now.