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Default 05-12-2004, 11:11 PM

Originally Posted by Eames

put this man in control of our occupation forces in iraq and ALL resistance would cease within 1 month and we would stop taking casualties after the 2nd week. this man was the master of occupation and counter-insurgency tactics...if he wouldnt have been assinated he would have purged the reich of all partisans, his methods were that good.
if he was that good why did the goddamn kraut bastards not manage to kill off a few Yugoslav, French and Russian/Soviet partisans??? Considering the gulf in manpower and equipment the partisans OWNED the krauts.

The krauts could murder 100 innocent civilians per every soldier and that only made the resistance more angry and more effective; they mounted bolder and bolder raids until the Americans, British, and Russians finally handed the nazis ass to them on a platter.