05-13-2004, 12:53 AM
No way Toronto fans are any better than Calgary fans. For 7 years we didn't make the playoffs, yet we always had an attendance OVER 15,000. Last year at the last home game the Flames got a standing ovation from everyone in the dome for a losing season.
Calgary fans during this playoff run chant go flames go before the game starts. Calgary already tied for noisiest building ever at 113 decibals. There has been over 100,000 flames flags for cars sold.
So by fan support, I would bet anything that this year the flames fans are #1. In previous years, I know they would still be up there in the top when a lot of fans wouldn't care. A lot of teams, especially in the states, when they lose the fans have other teams to go to. Basketball, baseball, football, nascar oOo: etc. Once a team loses, the fans move on. In Calgary that doesn't happen. Hockey is life.
Anyway, this argument is gay and pointless. My opinion is that both the fans and the team of Calgary deserves this run.