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Default 05-13-2004, 02:09 AM

just got it of kazaa now.....horrific.

eames, while i did agree with some of what you said about releasing the binds of our military, i scoffed at your references to the mongols. yes, they were nomadic raiders who conquered many of empires, but they were canibals too , amoungst many other brutal things eek:

why all this talk about annihilation and "conquering" the middle east? we dont need to conquer them and have UN backed puppet govermenments, that will just lead to rebellion.

at this point in this growing conflict, i see our goverment starting to lose the initiative. this is where i think eames was correct in that our country refuses to let our military might, well, be mighty. so much politics, so much bullshit prevents us from achieving our goal. what that goal is, im not exactly sure....

as for Bush's deadline of giving the iraqi government back to the iraqi people by june 26th...well, that seems like a pipedream to me. these are very scary times we are living in folks...and these next few months will be pivotal for dubya. if his plan works somehow eek: , it may get him reelected. i dont want to vote for kerry or bush, i think they are both douchebags, so i think i will just throw my vote away to nader oOo: at least kerry went to nam though.

p.s. note to self: when you are participating in the act of cutting someones head off and saying "allah akbah" or praise god, thats when you gotta say to yourself "man, this is some pretty fucked up shit right here".

fucking savages.