05-13-2004, 11:59 PM
a packed along mapping program like Battlecraft Vietnam for BF:V. Something easier to use then radient. I tried radient and gave up after a month or 2 but with BCV i'm well on my way making maps.
the 2 man MG42 idea sounds like it would be fun, maybe cross that over to the bazooka? A player picked a zooka and has 1 maybe 2 rockets but he can get more rockets for the 2nd player (not an insane amount), the 2nd player can also speed up the reloading of the zooka slightly.
Take those 2 ideas and combine them in a "support class". A player that can carry more ammo for the more deadly heavy weapons ( MG42 and zooka) and inturn make the heavy weapons funtion better rather than some lone n00b owning with them. Want to use the meat grinders... hook up with a support player, also makes for some great team work play.