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king_of_hi_ping is Offline
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Default Blacklisted do not order from them - 05-16-2004, 02:08 AM

I have tried to contact the administrators of onestop gaming in regards to the custom Mods that their employee downloaded from our server and used as his own. They refuse to answer any questions and have deleted all requests made by me for contact. gaming is a scam. It is my intension to warn the community of this service provider and publicly ask that they be Black listed by the MOH community due their poor service and past unresolved problems they choose to ignore.

=LMAO= clan is well known for our modded server that hosts 600 players a day, we offer 3 new moh servers as well as 2 COD, we are known to be friends of the community and offer help and support to those that seek. We where contacted by onestop for sponsorship of euro server in exchange that we bring attention and traffic to there service and servers. Shortly after we uploaded our mod files we where locked out, and the server was given a new name as well as listing them as the author of the mod scripts..Scripts that took hundreds of hours to write and identify us as =LMAO= have now been viewed and played on three IPs under new names.

A sales represenitive named Tuppen then showed the servers as a demo to potential customers and the modifications witch he and onstop could provide.

I have also learned that this employee has received money via paypal by customers for servers,,, Onestop never delivered the servers and tuppen has since walked off with the money, the company suggests that if there is a problem that those that got ripped off contact paypal in regards to their lost money.

This is a company that is hurting our gaming community. Gamers with good intensions of providing new game locations and modifications are having there efforts stopped by a company that shows no responsibility for their employees actions and have chosen to ignore and delete requests to have issues resolved.

I hope by posting this that future game hosts will ignore Onestop and find a real server host that knows what they are doing and witch view concern when something is wrong with the service you are paying for.

PLEASE clip and paste this in every clan, game links, and first person shooter site you can find. We must be allowed to fight back from cyber crime; I feel a black list is a good start.

Best regards

=LMAO= King of HI Ping
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