Thread: 100 in a 55
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100 in a 55
elitecloud is Offline
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Default 100 in a 55 - 05-17-2004, 12:36 AM

ok, i went to a friends house and helped him with some computer issues he was having

it's 11:30 p.m. and i gotta head home, i take the freeway home figured it would be quicker..........WRONG!!! it's only 1 exit till my exit towards my house, the construction is so bad they blocked my freakin exit, CRAP so here i am heading towards Vinton, when ilive in sulphur- there are no exits for 10 + miles and the only way back is thru the grass median that has like 5 places where you can turn, but have signs "for authorized vechiles only' iam not a cop car but man i wanted to use it....and i am on E - empty on gas....freakin crap so i drive 70 + mph to the nearest exit 12 miles i belive....anywhoo i get off take a shorcut to pass a few lights and head straight back off the highway back to my town

the 2 roads to vinton run parraelle....<SP?> one is just a regular road and the other is interstate

this white ford surburban passes me going 70 in a 55, i spot his speed, if we get pulled over we both get tickets

he would hit 80 till he saw head lights and drop it back down, 80 back down......well he didn't see any lights for a while, and went to 100

i spotted him 100 mph, i don't usually speed and the fastest to date i've ever gone is like 95 --- so this is kinda why iam posting hehe

45 over the speed limit - court hearing / impound / ticket i didn't care the adreline was so omg hahahahahaha iam still feeling it

half way home, the guy turns, iam like see ya later dude good fun, but he doesn't he pulls into a gas station waits 2 seconds, and get's behind me....

iam like holy crap, it's a cop and he's gonna bust me, he set me up
<which, btw: would be one heck of a ticket and one good trick to do>
he doesn't and i just head home...w00t w00t

i made it back home in like 5 minutes i never felt so good

ahhhh so what happend to you ladies today? happy:
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