Thread: E3 coverage
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Madmartagen is Offline
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Default 05-17-2004, 02:50 PM

One of the entrances to E3
Squaresoft booth were people were playing Final Fantasy
SNK area where I played Metal Slug and got most of my free posters
Screenie of Soldiers: Heroes of WW2 by Codemasters. This was an awesome game and I will be buying it when it comes out. I had just knocked the grey panzer off its track when I took a step back to take a shot. It didnt matter though, he killed me afterwards. ed:
Rome Total War, a very intense and semi complicated game to play. The woman reclining was nice enough to let me take a closer shot of her, its in the girly thread. biggrin:
A collection of Agent Smiths outside the Matrix Online game. It was crammed in the ATI/Valve booth and it was so fucking hot in there. You can see the people behind the glass. eek:
Picture of inside the MS-Xbox booth. Dungeon Siege 2 was to the left but the shot I got of it was too blurry.
The ATI-HL2 booth. It was very crowded in here and the line you can see wraps around the back end of the booth and stretches for several hundred feet.
Various booths at E3.
I'm not very proud of these last shots because they are so blurry and just happen to be the ONLY shots I have of Pacific Assault. I had finally been able to play it, but it had gotten pretty rowdy with people wanting to play that I took shots as I was being pushed away.
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