05-18-2004, 01:03 AM
All i have ever wanted from a gaming company is this.
Make the game. We ALL know it will not be perfect for everyone out of the box, simply because not everybody like what the other person liks, so on and so forth. Next, LISTEN TO THE COMMUNITY. I know mostly from reading the past 2 years (im more of a reader than a poster) that this can get VERY frustrating, and time consuming, especially with all the flames that go around in forums. Now that the game is released, and the community is literally screaming, we want this, or we dont want this, spend some time, keep us updated, unlike what happened with CoD with pretty much no word about whats goin on with patches, and make a good patch with this thought in mind. Not everyone likes the same thing. So, when you add something, or want to take something away, how about leaving it up to the server admins. Something that can be set in a server config or something.
Spearhead. I will give EA credit on this one, even though it was a little hard for server admins to understand. The communtiy was griping about the lean binders, wile the lean binders were griping about the admins. EA made it where the server admins had control of that "feature". Some servers you could lean, some you could not.
Also, whan patching, dont make huge drastic changes that totally screw with other peoples hard work.
This happened with CoD. Modders went and started modding when the game came out, and when the first patch came out, the mods had to be re-dome, or what have you. I know this will happen to some mods, but dont change the game entirely so mods have to be completely re-made.
Ive been playing, and server admining for MOH:AA since just about the beginning. In my eyes, its a GREAT game, it just lacks support. The cheaters are what killed that game. Our clan still play this game, and i literally bane 2 to 10 players a day, depending on haw long i play that day, just for hacking. Punkbuster is a must for any game to even think about surviving. The second must, which looks like EA is finally starting to realize, is customer support, and listening to the community.
I have TONS of respect for ALOT of people on that list. Right now, im putting my faith in Rude Dog. Simply because we have pretty much the same idea of EA, or at least did. If Rude Dog says that EA has earned his trust back, then i will truse him, but not EA, at least until i see what EA is going to do with my own two eyes.
After SH came out, i told myself i would never buy another game made by EA again. But with this news, if it keeps going the way it is now, i will shell out the $$ for this game.
Sorry for the long winded post, but that how i get, lol.