02-15-2002, 01:29 AM
20mm would not have been a anti tank weapon at this stage of the war, and could only have been used against british A-13's and APC's with any results. Might have been a left over from the earlier years of the war but the only thing it would have been good for is anti infantry. Pak's are AT or anti tank weapons, then you have Flak's like the Flak 88 or 30. The Flak 88 which you blow up in this game was designed for anti aircraft, then the germs found out it was a real tank buster with AP (Armor Piercing) rounds. Most german tanks and the Flak 88 had whats called APHE rounds, which means they had Armor Piercing and High Explosive. So the round pierced the outer armor and the high explosive whent off inside the tank.
[This message has been edited by Snake2222 (edited February 15, 2002).]