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krazyklown is Offline
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Default 02-15-2002, 11:06 AM

They will never make a MOH: Pacific war game involving Jap troops, because if EA develops it, and make Jap troops look ethnic(Short, slanted eyes, etc.) they will be called racist and be hit with lawsuits, not from Japanese people, but from White Liberal Communist college kids, ex-hippies, etc. You will never see a game where primarly white soldiers kill non-white soldiers as the enemy - never!! mark my words. You may see flight war games invovling the japanese air force, but never infantry like MOHAA. They will neve rmake it, trust me on that. Nazis wer bad, cause they did horrible things - and were Caucasian. Japs were bad, even worse in some cases, but it gets swept under the rug - cause they not caucasian.

PS: I will bet anyone 100 bucks that if EA ever releases a Pacific theatre MOH like Allied Assault, the Japanese soldiers will not be potrayed like a typical Japanes eperson looks like. They will make them look more caucaisian with Black hair. the soldiers will be 6 feet tall and big eyes!

PS#2 I'm not trying to be funny.
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