02-15-2002, 10:33 AM
Ninety9...................I prefer to be the nazi...............So much cooler than the allies..........The taunts are in german. What could be cooler than that?
Believe or not...........the very first thing I thought of when I bought RTCW and MOH is that there is no Japs Vs. Americans game. Then I wondered if I would be so eager to be on the Japanese side like I am the Germans. They don't do anything for me. The germans have something about them I can relate to. The art, music, etc. The Japanese are culturally alien to me. Maybe we are fighting a sort of "white guy king of the hill". What could be a great game is an invasion of the continental US. The invading army would be ......hmmmmm..........some evil empire. First our economy would have to be pretty bad or it could happen in the past. Say.........both Germany and the Allies are so weak from WW2 that they are easy pickins for some 3rd world country. Say, Mexico............Would you kill a mexican? Would you choose to be on the mexican side in multiplayer? Or ....another game idea would be to send in the troops to clean out a ton of cons on some convict island so they can build a resort there.
Only the dead are done with war.