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Default 05-19-2004, 06:15 PM

Originally Posted by guarnere
Originally Posted by Merlin122
one word... Meat-job

A meat-job is that o-so special person that Can't really formulate a thought like you or I. Ie. your average mtv watching, lifless teenager. They talk of either sports or schoolwork. They have few friends outside of school and if they do have friends, those people are also meat-jobs. They are the "popular" kids who talk only of drugs and their gay punk bands. They are also the girls with livejournals which they only use to complain about life. I'm sure you have encountered these kinds of people in your everyday lives. They aren't bad people per-say but they are below the person with common sense.

If you were offended by this, then you sir/madam are a meat-job.

EDIT: I could go on forever about these people, but I am too lazy to do such a thing.

joyn mah punk banD
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