05-19-2004, 07:01 PM
On one note, he had his own opinion about what he was called to do, and he expressed it and acted accordingly. I am not in his shoes, I have not seen what he has seen, so I really can't decide or not If he was right or not when he said he "was fighting Bush's war, not America's", but still, If you're called to service, you should follow the call...not run away from it; he wasn't drafted, he signed up, and whether or not you like it, you serve.
I also think that maybe he deserted for another reason; to make a point. I don't think a soldier would have been publicized as much as he was, If he would've just been expressing his opinion on the lines. Don't get me wrong, I would never be with desertion, I'm just trying to put myself in his place.
Trunks said, desertion is still desertion, no matter what the reason or cause may be, and he should be punished according to his actions. He went way too far.
BTW: Shorthand, he wasn't just questioning orders, he was questioning the whole war...and he wasn't just questioning, he was acting, and I think that brings it up to another level.