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05-20-2004, 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by Eames
Originally Posted by m1ck97
Originally Posted by KTOG
Good for him ... realizing he is no better than a murder.
i totally agree. I know i couldn't cope with torturing prisoners.
We dont know the exact details - we only know what we are told. But i certainly wouldnt call it deserting your unit
EAMES you stupid fuck - u think he should be shot? thats low. How would u like to be shot because u took drastic action to something u disagree with?
because bottom line...hes a coward and a deserter. he knew damn well what he was getting in when he joined the military, you sign papers swearing that your not a consciounses objector before your allowed to join. and like i said before shit like this breaks down military discipline and is just plain shitty thing to do, what about all of the other soldiers who would rather be doing something else...but tuff it out and do their duty? It's simple, deserters should be shot end of story.
u r an intornet thug