Command Sergeant Major
Posts: 2,644
Join Date: Dec 2003

05-21-2004, 09:42 PM
Hmmmm a list of all the shows I watched:
ALF (yes it was a cartoon on NBC)
ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS (except for the episodes that focused on the Chippettes who were BASICALLY the Chipmunks sisters, although there WAS an episode were the Chipmunks dressed up as females to take on the Chipettes. Weird thing was the Chipettes lives on their own - in a hollowed out tree - but ALVIN and the others were too YOUNG to live on their own - weird)
BETTLEJUICE - "Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiits SHOWTIME!"
CAMP CANDY - Good lord
ACE VENTURA - This was during the time when they put ANYTHING on Saturday morning. Remember though Saturday mornings were SO BIG that they actually PREVIEWED Saturdays cartoons on a Friday for the upcoming season.
Denver, The Last Dinosaur - man those kids were fucking gay, and I wanted Denver to die.
Duck Tales - The movie owned this shows ass. It went downhill when it became about Robo-Duck. Fuck what was his codeword. . .
Fantastic Max - Dont remember how that baby became a superhero but whatever.
Galaxy High - This show was way fucking surreal. There was dude with multiple arms, and one guy who could become as thin as an envelope. I remember being disturbed thinking about that one chicken looking jock trying to get in the Earth Chicks pants. oOo:
Hulk Hogans Rock And Roll Wrestling - Ahhhh the heyday of Hulkamania. Who doesnt remember the Evil Mr Fuji and Roddy Pipper trying to do whatever they could to stop Hulkamania. Fuck I hated Hogan.
Dungeons And Dragons - Man this show depressed me. I always wanted them to get home, or that short little fucker to give those kids some answers but no - he was always playing games.
Muppet Babies - Dont ask
SilverHawks - More shows based on toys. THought the outfits were tight as fuck back then though.
US ACRES - This is the show Garfield could have been. This show was funny as all fuck. Kicked MAJOR ass.
TMNT - Nuff said.
HE MAN - Any version of HE MAN, except for the one they show now, was the absolute shit. I remember the 90's version where they were stuck in some new dimention, and Skeletor had this pimp-ass gold outfit. Man that show ruled.
EXO SQUAD - This was a hardcore show that was on when I was in junior high/high school. It was basically a war show in space and former slaves rising up and expelling humans off Earth and the war to take Earth back. Characters died on this show, including the good guys. This show rocked so damn hard.
GI JOE - Does anyone even need to say how kickass GI JOE was. The JOES were pussies, but COBRA had all the sweet ass members; Destro, Serpentor, Dr. Mindbender, Major Bludd, Firefly, Xamot and Tomax, and the best of all - STORM MOTHER FUCKING SHADOW!
This episode was awesome, because Storm Shadow had gotten ahold of EXCALIBUR and as usual was making the JOE's his bitch. He and COBRA COMMANDER were my favorites, and the GI JOE movie is the best action-cartoon movie. . .PERIOD.
DARK WING DUCK - Again DW sucked, but STEELBEAK, AMMONIA PINE (she was a crazy lady who was a clean nut), TAURAS BULBA, NEGADUCK, MEGAVOLT, QUACKERJACK, THE LIQUIDATOR ("Bud bud bud, BUDDY FLUDD!"), and PROFESSOR BUSHROOT - they made this show good. Especially good were the little nods to the adults and it had all kinds of popculture references in it. I remember that Disney had their Disney Block, and each year a new show would debut, moving all the shows up one spot. The best shows out of these were RESCUE RANGERS, DARKWING DUCK, and TAIL SPIN. Good shit.
CAPTAIN PLANET - Yea Tom Cruise was Cap's voice. And Whoopi Goldberg was Gaia. But fuck them. The villains again were awesome, and as usual their names were HORRIBLE play on words: LOOTEN PLUNDER (get it, loot and plunder, he was the poacher on the show), DR BLIGHT (I had a crush on her), VERMINOUS SKUMM (the rat man), HOGGISH GREEDLY ( rolleyes: ), DUKE NUKEM (uhhhhhh. . .yanno I did get this guy confused with the video game character). Good shit.
GOBOTS - The bastard stepchild of Transformers was still a good show.
BIONIC 6 - The first multicultured action cartoon I've ever known.
COPS - Oh man. Did this show ever fucking rock. The COPS in the future, headed by a real black man (with a curl though). But the badguys - as usual, were the best. Buttons McBoomBoom blew them all away. You remember Buttons:
I remember this show had a drug episode, but because they of course arent going to show pot or marijuana, they were these crystals or whatever folks got hooked off of. It was the first time that the COPS and Big Boss's group worked together to bring down Addictem (yes the villains name was Addictem). And it was the start of the romance between Nightshade and Mace. Shit NIGHTSHADE was pretty fine herself.