Thread: gas prices pt 2
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Default 05-22-2004, 07:34 AM

[quote="3/3 Marine"]$2.19 here.....I'm now seriously thinking about getting rid of my truck (98 silverado) and might look at one of them hybred cars. They may not look too cool, but at least I'll be getting 70-80 mpg, while the hotrods are sitting in the driveways.[/quote

Here is my theory on hybrid cars.

I believe the only reason (for the time being) to buy a hybrid car is if you are trying to enviromentally sound.

Lets say you buy a hybrid car for 30,000 dollars, the insurance will be higher because its a new car and its a hybrid. With extra money you spent on the car and the insurance you can afford the gas. Since you own a truck, you have the ability to haul things, while hybrid cars are relitively small. If gas rocketed up to 3.50 - 4.00 a gallon then i would consider it, but for now the costs don't exceed the benefits.
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