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Hollywood is Offline
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Default 05-22-2004, 09:52 AM

Being one of the biggest Alien/Predator fans since I was a little kid, it is a dissapointment that Paul Anderson is directing. Rumor was James Cameron was going to write Alien 5, with Ridley Scott directing, now THAT would have been worth seeing. But Fox opted to go with AvP, and of course it's going to be aub-par.

Let's look at the design, I mean instead of using Giger or Cameron's design, they hired the fuckers that designed the creatures for parts 3 and 4 (Part 3 has somewhat grown on me, but part 4 is the biggest was of celluloid I've seen in a while). And, since pretty much every hack director feels he should put his own spin on the original forumlas, you get the bigger is better bullshit.

The predators are going to have these huge as blades on their arms, not the double ones you have seen, but an extra blade under the fore arm. Also, the shoulder cannon is now mounted on a friggin 3 foot rotating arm. Also, every predator has a different looking mask, including one that looks like an alien mouth.

Now, I've given my comments on the plot before, so no need to go into that.

Oh, they didn't even ask Stan Winston to provide some of the design and effects for either the Predator or Alien, a slap in the face.

The only good thing that can come out of this, is a kick ass line of figures from Mcfarlane this year. Not only do we get AvP figures which look pretty cool, but wwe get another series of Aliens and Predator figures, along with a Corp. Hicks figure from Movie Maniacs 7. Links below.
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