02-15-2002, 10:24 AM
ok im going to help you only because youre pathetic.
whoever told you you need 3dsmax to work with .pak files lied to you.
3dsmax is ONLY for creating models(guns models, human models, custom shapes and stuff like that).
.pak files are actually just zip files. open them with winzip.
to edit skins, or as you so eloquently put it, "draw on the guns". You would want to use paint shop pro or photo shop....download them from the same place you downloaded 3dsmax.
for explosions and such you need to learn how to program in c++. i dont know much about how they do it but it has absolutely nothing to do with 3dsmax.
to make maps we would need to have the sdk released. so for now, as far as i know. making custom maps is not possible.
[This message has been edited by madrebel (edited February 15, 2002).]