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Default 02-15-2002, 10:48 AM

Jesus MAD, laying it on pretty thick there arent you?

First off, MAX isn't just used to make MODELS and TEXTURES. If he want's he certainly can make explozions using the MAX particle system and it DAMN FINE animation programl. (Although I have no idea how to go about doing it, and yes the MANUAL is pretty useless if you've actually read it)

What I would suggest for you DUSTIN, is to go to FRY's or a computer shop, and buy a 3D MAX help book, which deals with these topics, one that takes you through creating an ANIMATION using the tools of MAX - by doing so it covers ALL the basics and advanced tools needed to at least get STARTED and familiar with MAX.

As far as directing him to download PHOTOSHOP or PAINTSHOP wherever he got MAX - that's a bit assumptury on your part MAD. MAX is indeed "getable", but there are more than a few folks (including kids) out there using MAX legally. How about some benefit of the doubt since you dont even know the guys age or means - nor has he given anyone any reason to assume he's even WAREZED a 3000 dollar program.

mazel my tov
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