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MrLevinstein is Offline
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Default 05-23-2004, 11:40 AM

When youre trying to walk to your class and the retards in the front of the pack walk ever so slowly, preventing everyone else from getting anywhere. Ive started to use them just walk and if i knock someone over sucks to them

Getting all your shit ready only to find out you left something at home, wallet pens books homework.

When youre doing yardwork and some asshole interuppts me while im planting stuff and asks me what road this is, and how to get to somewhere.

When people talk about their c0k, only to fidn out later its small from their ex girl

When people tailgate me when im going over the limit, back the fuck off or pass me

When Im working and people cant figure out how to use the ATM, and the instructions are on the screen. Quit bugging me and read.

People who are convinced that they are always wrong, and not evena powerpoint presentation, a pie chart and a line graph shows them theyre wrong.

People who are flat out lazy, stupid and never do anything while working.

When people turn, but forget to put on their signal and magically theyre 3rd brake light is broke.


Rich people

Rich ricers
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