Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by Tystnad
Originally Posted by Tripper
ANyone ever see 'Return To Oz?'
That movie was fucking sexual.....1,000,000,6784634737478udsyurer points for guessing the connection of that movie to mein sig heil below.
P.S - Simon Cowell can suck a fat dick why is he so special?!???#92BENGALS
Oooooh, 'tis a ticky one, eh?
Could it be Mr. Tinman? oOo:
No. It's not.
That little brit wannabe in your sig was some kinda oz army robot, that amazingly enough had to be wound up so they musta been pretty handy in a long battle...well aside from keeping good time thats about it. Seen that movie a couple of times, it was somewhat better than the first cause it lacked the anoying prancing down the yellow brick road with everyone suddenly figuring out they could sing every 5 minutes. eek: