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philadelphia killing mach is Offline
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Default 05-26-2004, 03:47 PM

i could make the walls move but when i finally tested using .gif instead of .tga or .jpg images for skin mods yesterday (had a skin who's t-shirt would "flipbook" through various Eva Mendez pics) the .pk3 wouldn't "read" the .gif images.

I think even if one could create animation on the map, averaging at least 20 minutes of play would strain both the server, client's cpu and anyone's eyes.

I"m proably going to try and find the stand alone mod of Saturday Night Fever since it has it's own ground, facade and sky images and see what can be done. however, i'm just the idea guy; i'm VERY limited to what i can do so the guns would have to be skinned by someone else.

i'll keep yaz posted.
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