05-28-2004, 11:29 PM
holy fuck.
who saw andrew ference beat the living shit out of cory stillman? What a fight. I have to find that baby on the net so I can watch it over and over. I've never seen ference fight before, but man I think he could take Oliwa's position as enforcer. That was about the only thing to cheer for.
First two periods were good. We just couldn't finish. Third sucked ass except for the fights. Hopefully we'll come fired up for game 3. Its gonna be nuts at the dome. I was there for the game tonight. Holy shit, the place was packed. I'm guessing 15-17,000 people in the dome to watch the game on tv's. incredible. it was awesome. I wouldn't be suprised if the dome was louder than the TB arena. Took me half an hour to get a friggin hamburger before the game!
CAn't wait for game three. This is turning into a series!