Passing on the Message that was sent to the GOA of my clan.
got this in a email:
anti-cheat petition
Spread the word, I found this in another clans forums.
Hi guys
As some of you may have heard, there is a growing campaign attempting to convince EA Games to finally support Medal of Honor with an official Anti-cheat. The petition has over 2800 sigs at the moment and you can view and sign if you wish here:
And our website here:
With the good news that Pacific Assault is due to come with Punkbuster support, we feel now is the time for EA to get off its butt and support its earlier games, of which most of us have paid a lot of money!
We''re keeping our fingers crossed that EA might actually do something about the cheating for once, but we need your support and signatures to give the campaign the boost it needs.
If you clan wants to be added to the supporting list, then send an email our way to and we''ll put you up.
Take care and thanks for reading
posted by Vader