05-30-2004, 11:15 AM
I actually worked with an 83 year old man named Harold who fought just outside of Bastogne. I used to let him sit there and tell me any story he could think of, and I never reminded him if he was telling the story for the third or fourth time.
They were the last great generation. I will always believe that.
They lived in a time when an attack on our nation unified our resolve for action, rather than divided. When Pearl Harbor was attacked, no one was screaming that Roosevelt paid the Chinese to set it up. They lived in a time when valor and honor and courage and bravery were the highest of principles and exemplified through their actions. Most of the men fighting volunteered, willing to sacrafice their lives in the name of the pursuit of freedom for all peoples.
And for what? Now we have a country full of Liberals - and even Conservatives - who spit on their memory by degrading everything for which they fought. We live in a world where you can't deny a minority admission to a University for fear of a law suit and loss of funding. A world where fat people can sue a fast food restaurant for serving fattening food. A world where people who a stupid enough to smoke can sue tobacco companies for letting them do it. A world where the average American has been stripped of their 1st Amendment Right, not because of the Patriot Act, because we all know we hear the Liberals spewing rancid shit from their mouths 24/7. We have sat by and willingly allowed our freedom to be ripped from us by insanely fanatical groups like the ACLU and the NAACP. Willing to sue anyone for anything just for some air time. The average American has to be afraid to say black instead of African-American, lest they be black-balled by all their friends and become an outcast. We can't speak freely anymore, our freedoms destroyed not by the government or some occupying force, but by the abuse of the very laws those veterans fought to protect by media whoring minority groups. KKK not excluded, Eames, so don't say anything.
All in all, I think the saddest thing is that this generation is far beyond influence, too old to be involved in politics. So few care to pay them mind or thank them for their service. They are slowly fading away without any big scene or political rally funeral services. They are simply going as their times come, in their house, a nursing home, with their children. Never saying much about the current state of things, only telling the occasional story, always accompanied by a tear for those who didn't make it back.

Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008