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Re: Moslem cleric in England says killing non-Moslems is OK
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Default Re: Moslem cleric in England says killing non-Moslems is OK - 05-31-2004, 10:47 PM

Originally Posted by "V.A.C.":cf255
I think it's time for the anglo-saxons to open a can of whoop-ass on these Muslim f*ckers. Mark my words this stupid religion will start WW3.

Moslem cleric in England says killing non-Moslems is OK

By: John Russell | Source: IRN NEWS
May 27, 2004 5:29PM EST

A leading Muslim teacher in the United Kingdom is telling his followers that the killing of non-Moslems is in accordance with Islamic teachings. Shiek Abu Hamsa of the notorious Finsbury Park Mosque in London has been videotaped telling his congregation that, “If a Kafir (that is a non-Moslem)is walking by you and you catch him he’s booty (that is a slave), you can sell him in the market. Most of them are spies. And even if they don’t do anything, if Moslems can not take them and sell them in the market, you just kill them, its OK.” Hamsa went on to say that that Americans are especially worthy of death.
this forums replies never gets anywhere rolleyes:

this is not meaning that all muslimclerics sais this. why dont you critisise the christians? for example, KKK dont think the blacks should be compared to any for of human rase, the bible itself contains antisemtistic material, even anitfemenistic. and where did you get that this is going to start ww3 from?

think over what you write before you write it.[/quote:cf255]

I suppose the main difference between the KKK and radical Muslim clerics is that KKK leaders only got the support of a couple thousand braindead/brainwashed hicks, a sad group that even members could win a war against.
radical clerics have the support of many brainwashed/braindead Muslims, which makes them much more dangerous
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