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Default 06-01-2004, 10:49 PM

Originally Posted by DJHeadUp
i had an amazing time this weekend

went to the beach (ocean city, then longport, near my house in ventnor, all are near atlantic city) for a while and met up with my friends ari and big al, we drank all afternoon and had a nice blunt

my work had an employee party at temple bar at caesars palace

we were drinking wild horse 2001 pinot noir a very very good and expensive red wine, my boss paid for all 15 of us probs over $2000...he is a nazi but he knows how to throw down for his workers so i was very happy

what happened after that was like a milder fear and loathing

i remember very little- driving ripped back to big als house

we smoked a lot and took ambien perscription pills

i think i threw up at some point, we were laughing about the most retarded shit for a while

i was lucky enough to have won a 3-way rock paper scissors so i got my own bed, we passed out at some point but im not sure what time

woke up hangover tom. = oOo:
Ocean city = shit hole

Myrtle Beach = teh pwnage

VA Beach = Sucks but better than Ocean city

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