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Default 06-02-2004, 07:25 PM

Originally Posted by Quze
Originally Posted by Gerard
Originally Posted by Madmartagen
Originally Posted by Gerard
I can see why the catholic standpoint on abortion is as it is, if jesus were to be reborn in this day and age he'd have a pretty hard fucking time of it, probably been aborted like 50 times by now because of shit like " hmm im pregnant, dont remember who i done it with...i dont want it time to get an abortion". oOo: eek:
I dont know if that is an accurate representation of what goes on in a young girls mind, but I would think it goes more along the lines of "shit im too young to have a baby, im not ready to be a mother." But other than that, I still think its her choice and dont think anyone has a right to tell her otherwise.
Imo if you;re old enough to wanna "fuck" you're old enough to take responsibilty of the consequences of you not using protection.
What about rape? A girl gets raped, gets pregnet. She now has to live with a baby that was fathered by some fucking scum rapists? Reminded of it every time she looks at the extreamly unwanted child....
That's still no reason to kill someone. If she was raped...let her have the kid. She might want it anyway. Or she could give it up for adoption. I can't see how all of you people can be so greedy and think about yourselves (the mother) all the time.

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