06-02-2004, 08:22 PM
I beleive a mother would have the moral obligation to herself to not kill this thing. Have the bab y and give it for adoption. If you have ever seen what they do to a baby" not a fucking fetus, its a living thing. THey have the right but why would anyone morrally do it ?
1 the drain the uterus
2 they pump it full of salt water to steralize the womb and partially stings the baby as well.
3 they first crush the baby killing it slowly, painfully the baby feels every single moment of this.
4 they cut the baby up in the womb into hundreds of peices.
5 the doctor takes each peice out at a time
6 he peices the dead baby back together to make sure he got all of the baby parts.
7 womb is pumped clean of salt water.
Thats a typical abortion in most clinics. Disgusting yes. Think of your self now if you wish to commit this act. Its going to be on your mind for life.
I adhere the women has the right, but I also hope she has the mind to deal with it. Becasue Abortion isnt as "humane" as you would love it to be.