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Default 06-02-2004, 10:38 PM

One of the pillars of Liberal beliefs is being Pro-Choice. So yeah, might want to find a new word or call yourself a Centrist or Independant or something.

Side note: Out of curiousity (I live in South Carolina, so I don't see a lot of Liberal influence down here like I did in Virginia) - has anyone happened to hear John Kerry get through a campaign pitch without bashing the President? I ask because they don't televise very many down here, I mostly have to watch them via the internet (I like to be as educated as possible on the opponent so that I know the issues). Anyway, all the ones I have seen at least 50% are spent bashing President Bush without ever even giving any sort of plausible or firm suggestion of a solution. I don't know, that just irritates the hell out of me.

I didn't mean to derail this thread, don't answer that, I already know that's what he does.

Bottom line, baby killers will spend an eternity in Hell getting ass-raped by Mike Tyson while Rosie O'Donnell shoves her dick down their throats.

Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008
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