06-02-2004, 11:14 PM
The issue is not whether abortion should be allowed or not, that is only the effect from as someone already put it " An irresponsible youth".
Our concern should be for the proper raising of our children.
I do think abortion should be allowed in situations like:
.She was raped
.Mother will die
.Child has 6 heads and no heart
My sister-in-law has had 3 abortions all simply because she did not want the child she had made..... I hate the bitch.
It is my belief that people should be responsible for their actions, I have two children myself and working on another.
Do you think my first was planned? Of course not, but we choose to take responsibillity for our actions and welcomed my daughter into this world.
Young people today think that children will end their party time and they are afraid of parenthood, as well they should be. Love, Marrage, Children, and Sex are for adults, not children.
So , in short, I agree with the Irishman.