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philadelphia killing mach is Offline
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Default VERY BASIC CAMO EDITING (Che) - 06-03-2004, 12:24 PM

1. Load the .tga images you want to camo into your image editing program (I use PhotoIT! 2002).

2. Find a camo image using any image search (for the example, I used google and saved the gray and white image on the first page, first row ...the bigger the better).

3. Save this image, you'll end up using it as a template often.
ยท I used the german_worker.pk3 for this example (very basic and a great editing skin).


4. Start by taking the first .tga image and "cutting" out anything you do not want covered in camo (you'll put this piece(s) back in after you camo the image. (IMAGE 1)


5. Open and place the basic camo image over the .tga image. (IMAGE 2)


6. Slowly use the FADE option until you are satisfied with the way the texture looks (remember, when it's in mohaa it'll be lighter). (IMAGE 3)


7. Hightlight or darken the camo image and/or the original .tga image until you are satisfied. (IMAGE 5)


8. Reinsert anything you cut out (to remain plain) back onto the top of the camo. (IMAGE 4)

9. Save


You can take ANY image (lightning, water, leaves...anything) and do the same basic deal to get different textures for your skins.