Thread: Soldner out!
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Default 06-03-2004, 09:59 PM

[quote="Sergeant_Scrotum":1d02d]I just tried again & i must say, even though i cant get the fucking controls to work at all i must say the game is absolutly horendous, the sound sucks, all you hear is your own breathing & walking, no birds, wind or rain. I just tried a "mission" where I had to go blow up their fuel tank, after driving a jeep there i got out & thought id stealthy advance on the position, as i get closer i use my sniper rifle to see 3 guys standing right beside the fuel tank just standing still. I pop one of them in the head, the other two drop the the ground & just lay there. as i move closer all of a sudden they spot me, one jumps in a jeep & the other runs in a straight line directly for me, befor ei had time to shoot him his friend in the jeep who was going around in circles at full sped had run them over then hit a tree & they were both dead, i then went up & blew up the tank & was forced to run 1.6km back to the base. For a game that had so much potential this just turned out absolutly terribly. maby with alot of patches it will get better. This game should not have been released for anonther 4 or 5 months. I have no idea what the devs have been doing for the last 4 years that they have been working on this game. my final score: 1/10 the only reason it got 1 is because i am giving it the benifit of the doubt as far as controls go because i cant get mine to work right now.[/quote:1d02d]hahaha @ the jeep crashing

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