06-04-2004, 12:32 AM
DB readings for games through out the playoffs at the dome:
Round 1 - Canucks @ Flames Game 6 - Highest was reached at 111.3 decibals when flames scored to tie game Up at 4
Round 2 - Redwings @ Flames Game 3 - Nemo scored to tie game at 2, decibal reading at 112.4 decibals. (I was at that game)
Round 2- Redwings @ Flames Game 6 - Gelinas scores In overtime to win series 4 games to 2, decibal reached 113.7 decibals. (I was at that game)
Round 3 - Sharks @ Flames Game 6 - Iginla scores First period to make it 1-0 decibal reading reached 111.2 decibals.
Round 3- sharks @ Flames Game 6 - Gelinas scores to make it 2-1 decibals reading at 112.2 .
Round 4 - Lightning @ Flames Game 3 - simon scores PowerPlay Goal second Period, To make it 1-0 Flames decibal reading at 112.8 decibals.
Round 4 - Lightning @ Flames Game 3 - Donavon scores to make it 2-0 Flames decibal Meter peaking at 111.6 decibals.