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[zErO]Cool is Offline
Posts: 48
Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 02-18-2002, 06:45 AM

right, at the moment I'm working on the bangalores explosion for nades for dustin, and anyone else who's daft enough to use it (actually i might use it for a bit! it would me fun!) can email me cause i wont be releasing it. also trying to get this dam Sig to work!!!! can anyone see it? I bloody cant!. also the mini-map is nearly done. The person who said make a knife for close combat humiliation, I think the pistol whip is just about humiliating enough for anyone! the gren/smoke gren is a challenge cause I'm starting to mess with animations instead of tga and in depth .tik files, gets a bit confusing but soon you guys will have a grenade that not only blows people to bits!, but also bellows out red smoke for cover.

can ya see my sig?

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