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Default 02-25-2002, 10:17 AM

hey hey hey! Do you make mods and stuff? what about making a molotov cocktail mod?
Would have been cool in the Stalingrad map hehe

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by [zErO]Cool:
Hey everybody!

I've finally registered with's forums! Hope all you people Using my mods are enjoying them ! I certainly am, I'm currently working on some new mods ats the moment, 1: Taking the 'blowing up' gibs from RTCW and putting them in MOHAA, its very very very painstakingly hard! also Ive been tinkering with the 'Urban Terror' mod for quake and seeing if the bulletwounds could be transferred to MOH (again VVVVVhard) also I was disapointed at MOH's multiplayer maps, so for all you bunker fans I'm busy making a mini-map converted from 'The Hunt' (dont worry , I know your all sick to death of the hunt playing the demo!) I promise it'll be a small, fun bunker match with plenty of action and very short games for all you people who enjoy bullets whizzing , nades exploding feet away and two teams charging at each other in a small field. (Should be GREAT fun!) erm....what else I hope all you other Uk'ers r enjoying the release of the full version! i am (so many new things in the pak files to mess around with) OH VERY IMPORTANT : I'm trying to get my blood mod to work on scriped scenes (ie: when the Omaha boat door drops open ...etc..etc..) so if anyone has the know how, I would like to know how :P
Well thats it!

~Come get some~


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