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[DAS REICH] Blitz is Offline
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Default 06-05-2004, 08:37 PM

Originally Posted by Paintballr
Originally Posted by anoXia
DR2nd lol, I give it to u Paintballr, ZeRo > DR2nd

As for ZeRo's CAL record that really is not very good. And you shouldn't make fun of other clans, you guys are 3-3 in CAL, which sucks ass and you don't have a chance at playoffs as for MOHOIL well there are 6 teams. nuff said

As for Blitz, why do you start these things? grow some balls and get over it. kthx
Actually 3-3 isnt that bad for a clan first time in CAL, and yes we still do have a chance in playoffs, and as for MOHOIL try about 12 or 13, already 1-0 in seasonal, and they are about to open it to public. Why you think its called MOHOIL? Invitational League, doesnt have many clans because you are going to be invited as I may quote from you "kthx" and yes I do have to agree with you on the "As for blitz, why do you start thes things? grow some balls and get over it" I do agree on that
At least Shorthand has some muscle, your really a fatass..the chubbs=u